I’ll ask readers to excuse my tardiness in getting back to this narrative; what with field time, travels in Hawaii and family matters I have been distracted. Besides, like the best of Road Trips themselves I’m following a leisurely path in the telling of the tale of this one.

Leaving the fine glade down on the Mimbres I hiked back up to where I’d stashed Sheeba, climbed aboard and moseyed on north along the dirt road that is Forest Service Road 150. The elevated plateau persisted, mile after satisfying mile. The sun began to sink toward the mountains to the west, the entire horizon filled with the sight due to my elevated course along the plateau. Spotting a 4WD track to the right I aimed Sheeba onto it, engaged 4WD and set out to explore for a campsite for the night. The track terminated at a trailhead heading off into the Aldo Leopold Wilderness. There was a very old corral there. I had discovered the setting-off place for horse campers, probably hunting outfits. Grabbing my trusty Spike Camp—the Possibles Pouch always inside containing a headlamp—and set off afoot to explore the Trail in the gathering gloom of nightfall. There was a fair amount of snow still on the trail. There was also plenty of evidence of small game as well as deer and elk. The Mimbres still lay somewhere down below, accessible whether the official trail went down there or not if one doesn’t mind bushwhacking; in fact, I’ve always prefer it. Hmmm…maybe I’ve found the starting point for a Ramble I mused. 

I returned to the truck by headlamp and found I still had the place to myself. I built a fire and sat under the stars contemplating what lay further north. The day had been a fine one. I was in lovely country that I seemed the sole possessor of. The Road Trip was progressing just fine. 

A family gathering is about to get underway, so I’ll close for now. I’ll try to resume sooner than last time….

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