
How To Pack For A Spring Bear Hunt

How To Pack For A Spring Bear Hunt

As the vibrant colors of spring emerge and the woods wake up, we eagerly prepare for the thrill of the season's first bear hunts. Meticulous planning and strategic packing are essential, and it can take years to get your kit dialed in....

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Recovery Strategies Post-Ruck or Packout

Recovery Strategies Post-Ruck or Packout

Over the past handful of years, I’ve completed the 28-Mile March for the Fallen at Fort Indiantown Gap as a prelude to Pennsylvania’s archery season. The event comes at an ideal time—late September, so any training that I can get...

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The Five Best Careers for Hunters

The Five Best Careers for Hunters

How many times have you looked at a seemingly regular person who gets to spend a ton of time hunting and thought, “Must be nice.” If you're like me, you’ve had that thought more than once. When I look at...

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5 Hunting Pack Organization Tips

5 Tips For Optimal Hunting Pack Organization

Hunting requires more than just precision and patience; it also demands effective organization, especially when it comes to managing your hunting pack. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a novice to the game, an optimally organized hunting pack can make...

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Why, When, and How to Choose an Internal Frame Pack

Why, When, and How to Choose an Internal Frame Pack

Want to get into a high quality pack but not sure where to start or don’t want to invest in both a pack and frame? You should consider an internal frame pack, and here’s why.  Choosing a pack comes with...

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7 Tips For Improved Confidence For First-Time Hunters

7 Tips For Improved Confidence For First-Time Hunters

Hunting, an age-old tradition, was once vital for survival and providing for communities. In the past, it was a matter of life and death. Although the motives and circumstances may have evolved, the underlying principles remain intact. Engaging in a...

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    The slow controlled pull, the thoughts, the focus, as everything fades and seems to slow you’re locked into a mind-grasping tunnel vision, and then in an instant, it all gives way to the crack of the rifle and...

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hunting shelter

The 5 Best Hunting Shelters on The Market in 2023

If you’re a dedicated hunter or outdoorsman, you know just how important the right shelter can be to ensuring a successful hunt. Hunting season can bring all sorts of threats. From nasty weather to wildlife, you want to make sure...

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Getting into Shed Hunting

Getting into Shed Hunting

When I tell most people that I’m going shed hunting, the standard response from the layman is, “What’s shed hunting?” They usually think I’m going shopping to purchase a shed for my back yard or something. That’s when I proceed...

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